
Social Human Pose Dynamics and Trajectory Forecasting results derived from the PoseTrack dataset measured using at several future frames

Method Score 80 ms 160 ms 320 ms 400 ms 560 ms

Social Human Pose Dynamics and Trajectory Forecasting results derived from the 3DPW dataset measured using VIM at several future frames

Method Score 100 ms 240 ms 500 ms 640 ms 900 ms

The scores reported in the first column of these leaderboards are calculated by first averaging the scores from the other five columns and then converting these values to z-scores based on the resulting distribution. These scores are then normalized so the best-performing method receives a score of 1 and the lowest-performing method receives a score of 0. These scores may change if new methods are submitted.


Metric Explanation
VIM (Visibility-Ignored Metric) Average Euclidean distance between ground-truth and estimated joint positions when invisible joints are discarded
VAM (Visibility-Aware Metric) β if visibility is predicted incorrectly and the minimum of β and the distance between the ground-truth and esimated positions otherwise

Note that the scores reported on the leaderboard are scaled from meters to centimeters for 3DPW. We use a β value of 200 for calculating VAM.